Build On Your Land

Unlock Your Dreams on Your Own Lot

Embark on a journey towards your dream home with Vertical Builders.  From initial consultation to final move-in, we guide you through every step of building your home on your land.  With our expert team and personalized approach, we transform your vision into reality, ensuring your home reflects your unique lifestyle and preferences.  Let us be your partner in creating the home you've always imagined.

    Your Land Or Ours

    Clients frequently ask us if we will build on their land or do we only build in neighborhoods?

    Since our establishment in 2006, Vertical Builders has prided itself on its remarkable adaptability and versatility. Our unwavering commitment to excellence enables us to seamlessly navigate the complexities of both spot lot and subdivision construction—a feat few builders dare to undertake. While many in the industry opt to specialize, we relish the opportunity to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of our clientele.

    Recognizing that not everyone desires the confines of a traditional subdivision, nor the solitude of rural living, we've honed our craft to offer a spectrum of options. Our clientele represents a vibrant tapestry of individuals, each with their own unique vision for their dream home. To meet this diverse demand, we extend the choice to build on our clients' land or ours, providing unparalleled flexibility and convenience.

    Spanning over 13 counties and municipalities within the Richmond Metro Region and near Charlottesville, Lake Anna, the Northern Neck and beyond, our reach extends far and wide. From bustling urban enclaves to serene countryside retreats, we offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the distinct needs of each community we serve. At Vertical Builders, our mission is clear: to empower our clients with the freedom to bring their dream home to life, wherever they choose to call home.

      Where do we build?

      Vertical Builders initially focused on constructing homes on individual lots scattered throughout the diverse neighborhoods of the Richmond Metro area. Over the years, our portfolio has expanded, encompassing projects within numerous neighborhoods, where we often hold ownership of multiple lots—sometimes exceeding 15 or more.

      Despite this growth, we remain deeply committed to the essence of our craft, cherishing the opportunity to build a single home on a spot lot or on land owned by our clients. Our dedication to personalized service extends to maintaining a comprehensive inventory of individual lots and land parcels, carefully curated to offer diverse options to our esteemed clientele.

      These available lots span a spectrum, ranging from coveted infill lots nestled within the heart of the city to spacious acreage sites dotting the picturesque landscapes of the surrounding counties. Whatever your vision entails, Vertical Builders stands ready to turn your dream of homeownership into a tangible reality, one tailored to your unique preferences and aspirations.

        Your Land

        Reasons for wanting to build on your own land

        As we discussed the advantages of building on Vertical Builders land, we would not want to forsake the opportunity to discuss why you should build on your land. Considering this, we have listed a few reasons below: 

          You already own the land

          You may have already purchased, inherited or have been gifted a piece of land. Obviously this is a no brainer!

            You may have found a really nice parcel that we were not aware of

            At Vertical Builders, we're constantly on the lookout for promising lots to add to our inventory. However, there are times when despite our best efforts, some opportunities slip past us.

              Land that suits your needs

              You may have looked through our inventory and we did not have any lots or land that suited your needs. Reasons may be location, size, or a multitude of other reasons.  

                You are unsure what you are looking for and need to explore all the options before making a decision

                Please note that we do not have a preference to either build on your land or ours.  We appreciate the opportunity to build you a home that fits your lifestyle!

                  Need land? We can help!

                  If you don't have land and are not currently working with a realtor to find land, Vertical Builders can assist you! We offer support in locating suitable land parcels tailored to your needs. Conversely, if you've decided against our inventory, we're pleased to have our in house Realtor assist you in the land purchase process.

                  They will guide you through the due diligence process and significantly minimizing time spent chasing unbuildable or problematic lots. Their expertise ensures a smooth and efficient journey towards securing the perfect piece of land for your dream home.

                    Vertical Builders Land

                    What is the advantage to building on land owned by Vertical Builders?

                    You may ask yourself, what is the advantage to building on land owned by Vertical Builders?  The answers vary but we have listed a few below:

                      Good lots can be hard to find

                      At Vertical Builders we find lots a variety of different ways.  Often, these come from off market sources, but we still find some vs the Multiple Listing Service (MLS).  When we purchase them from off market sources, the lots are usually discounted.  This in turn allows us to pass the savings on to our clients.  When we purchase lots off the MLS, we typically pay retail prices.  Sellers also may require quicker closing periods which is challenging in a strong real estate market. 

                        When purchasing Vertical Builders land, you know that the lot is buildable

                        We have done all the preparatory work required to ensure that we are able to build a house on the site.  There can be many factors that prevent a site from being buildable, but we conduct a due diligence process before purchasing land and offering it to our clients.  If clients must do this themselves, it can be quite an undertaking and there could be some expensive learning curves along the way.  The saying “You don’t know what you don’t know” can often be applied when evaluating a piece of dirt. 

                          Vertical Builders finances the home's construction on their land

                          We have arrangements with banks already in place and will typically commence construction quicker than you would be able to if you got a construction loan.  

                            Optimal home site

                            During the due diligence period we have walked, evaluated, and located the best home site on the parcel.  We consider many factors to determine each home site. We then prepare a plot plan so that we can prepare for the building permit in a timely fashion. 

                              Septic System

                              If the Vertical Builders lot requires a septic system, you will know where it is located and what type of system just by asking a question, without having to spend any money out of pocket. A septic system can be a very effective and inexpensive system when they are designed as a conventional, gravity system. In cases where the topography does not allow for a gravity system, a pump system will be required.


                                If you have not purchased land, it may take several months or longer to find and when you do, there is still lots of work to be done. If you are interested in any Vertical Builders lots or land, the work has already been done for you. 

                                  Build On Your Lot Plans


                                  • 4Beds
                                  • 2 .5Baths
                                  • 3,226SQ FT
                                  Available In 4 Communities


                                  • 3Beds
                                  • 2 Baths
                                  • 1,826SQ FT
                                  Available In 3 Communities

                                  Baywood III

                                  • 3Beds
                                  • 2 .5Baths
                                  • 2,021SQ FT

                                  Harper II

                                  • 3Beds
                                  • 2 Baths
                                  • 1,501SQ FT


                                  • 3Beds
                                  • 2 .5Baths
                                  • 2,013SQ FT


                                  • 3Beds
                                  • 2 Baths
                                  • 1,980SQ FT
                                  Available In 2 Communities


                                  • 4Beds
                                  • 3 Baths
                                  • 2,845SQ FT
                                  Available In 3 Communities


                                  • 3Beds
                                  • 2 .5Baths
                                  • 2,431SQ FT
                                  Available In 3 Communities


                                  • 4Beds
                                  • 2 .5Baths
                                  • 3,151SQ FT
                                  Available In 4 Communities


                                  • 4Beds
                                  • 2 .5Baths
                                  • 3,214SQ FT
                                  Available In 4 Communities


                                  • 4Beds
                                  • 3 .5Baths
                                  • 3,681+SQ FT
                                  Available In 4 Communities

                                  Where We Build

                                  Gum Spring
                                  Zion Crossroads
                                  Central Virginia
                                  New Kent

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